Thursday, November 7, 2013


It's been six months since I started my journey.  Six months ago, I was laying in bed on a Sunday because I just couldn't make myself get out of bed.  In bed was the way I spent most of my weekends, too tired to move, sleeping all day.

Now - 6 months later, I have more energy than I know what to do with.  So, I've started working out on the treadmill with heavy inclines for 2 hours at a time, and I go hiking every weekend to burn even more calories.  I'm down 48 pounds, soon to be 50.  I'm no where near where I want to be.  But, I'm headed in the right direction.

I spend 2 hours a day on the treadmill, usually in 1 sitting so that I don't have to go back to the gym later that night, and I log every morsel of food that I have into My Fitness Pal.  My Fitness Pal is a GREAT tool to keep track of how many calories you've eaten.  I use it to make sure I'm not going over my calories, and if I do go over, I know I have to go to the gym again before I go to bed.  Doing this, I've been able to lose 2 pounds per week for the last 6 months.

There's no mystery pill, there's no mystery diet that works as well as "Moving more, and eating less"

Sunday, August 4, 2013

90 day challenge

I've joined a 90 day challenge at my gym,  I'm making a pretty aggressive goal for those 90 days.  I'd really like to be under 200 pounds at the end of the 90 days, which is 3 pounds a week until 10/31/2013.

Here's my starting photo for the 90 day challenge.  I realize it's hideous, I had just gotten through working out at the hotel gym in Houston.  Here's me normally just to show that I do "clean up"

So, how am I going to accomplish this goal (or attempt to accomplish the goal)

1.  C25K every other morning.

2.  Weight Training every other morning:
12-18 reps 3-4 sets
Upper Body
Chest Press
Seated Row
Overhead Press
Lat Pull Down
Bicep Curl
Triceps Extension
Lower Body
Leg Extension
Leg Curl
Inside Thigh (Adduction Machine)
Outside Thigh (Abduction Machine)
Leg Press
Calf Raise

3.  Pool workouts every night for 60 minutes.
4.  Cycle class on Sundays

SW at the beginning of the 90day challenge 237
GW by 10/31/2013 199

That will be a 16% change in weight.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pool Workouts - Abs

Water workouts are by far my favorite types of work outs.  I have a bad left ankle, with plate and screws, and I have a bad right knee.  So, pools are a great way to get a good work out.  I usually try to work out for 60 minutes at a time, but I'm going to break down a few exercises here so I can keep track of them.


Some people choose to perform their exercise in the pool for a change, while others perform them in the pool on a daily basis. Your abdominal muscles are your core muscles and are important for your posture and to prevent back problems. There are a number of ab workouts that you can perform in the pool.

Walking in Water

Choose the shallower end of the pool and make sure you can touch the bottom of the pool (and all your body is below water except for your head). Start your workout by walking from one side to the other of the pool. As you get used to walking, start lifting one of your legs until you reach the level of the abs. Alternate your legs. While you lift your legs, make sure you tighten your abdominal muscles. Always make sure that your back is straight so that it is protected.
You can lift your legs at a slower or a faster rate. When you perform slow movements, you will focus on working the muscles, while if you perform faster moves, these will make your heart beat faster and help you eliminate abdominal fat.

Lifting Legs to the Chest

Pull ups can be performed in the water as well and they can be ideal to work your abs. Choose a side of the shallow end of the pool and turn your back to the rim. Look for a wall to grab and straighten your arms while you try to lift both legs to the chest at the same time.

Perform slower and faster lifts and make sure you do at least 10 lifts. Keep your abs tight for the whole time, but don’t forget to breathe. For more of a challenging workout, you can lift your leg and hold it in this position for a few seconds and then start moving it from left to right or perform circular moves with the leg in the water. Perform 10 circles and then change the direction of the moves. Do the same with the other leg as well.

Kickboard Exercises

Hold the kickboard with your hands facing the water. Do some stroke kicks, making sure you tighten your abdominal muscles. Make sure your body is as close to the surface as possible. Turn on your back and do some backstroke kicks, focusing on tightening your abs and trying to keep your body just 1 inch below the water.


Jumping in Water

Go to the kids pool or if there is an end of the pool where the water is just below your knees. You should start walking slowly and then pick up the pace, until you are nearly running. Then try to perform a few jumps, keeping your abs tight the whole time. Try jumping as high as you can, but pay attention not to hurt your feet.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Business Trips and your weight

I'm not blaming business trips for my weight gain, but to someone who LOVES food it may not be the "Rout e of all evil" however, it's definitely a side street.

I've been travelling for the last 12 years, and trying to stay within your calorie intake during these times is difficult.

This last week we had our New Hire Orientation class at the Indigo Hotel in Houston

Monday:  food was a boxed lunch, which included Ham / Turkey or Roast Beef Sandwich, Chips & a cookie.

I ate: Turkey Sandwich w/ Mustard

For dinner Monday night, I had the Jamaican Shrimp Salad. (not that great, I don't recommend)

Monday night, I worked out for an hour in the hotel gym.

Tuesday:  For Breakfast I had 2 eggs, turkey sausage & 2 pieces of bacon; for Lunch we catered in Fajitas, Beef, Chicken, Beans, Rice, Cheese, Guacamole, etc...  I had a HUGE plate of lettuce, with 4 slices of fajita beef, salsa and a little bit of cheese on top: for dinner we went to Yia Yia Mary's, and I had the appetizer of the mussels & some Horta.  I was still hungry later that night, so I ate some fresh fruits from DS.

Workout was 30 minutes on the treadmill.

Wednesday:  For breakfast I had a fruit parfat w/ lowfat yogurt & granola:  Lunch I splurged a little, it was pizza day and I have 2 MAJOR weaknesses.  Pizza & Chips.  So, I had 5 slices of pizza - and a huge salad:  For Dinner we went out for Pho (one of my FAVORITE things to eat)  and also had Vietnamese egg rolls.

Workout was 30 minutes on a stationary bike.

Thursday:  For breakfast I had 1/2 my plate of Lox & Bagels: For lunch Salad, Brisket, Corn: For Dinner we had sushi, I went over on my calories this day because I didn't end up working out on Thursday.

Friday: For breakfast I had 2 eggs, turkey sausage & 2 slices of bacon: Lunch I had a turkey Sandwich & a salad, and for dinner I had beef jerky from my FAVORITE place to get beef jerky Woody's Smokehouse, and later that evening I had Hummus & Pretzle chips after my 1 hour water workout with the DH.

I was afraid that I wasn't going to lose any weight this week, but I'm still down my 2 pounds that I wanted to be every week, so I'm doing good.

As of today, I'm down TWENTY POUNDS!!!!!!!!  I log all my food in My Fitness Pal, along with my exercises to make sure I'm eating what I'm supposed to.   A little bit of accountability goes a long way.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Business Trip Woes

I went on my first business trip since really starting to change my diet.

The problem with going on trips, is some of the places I go offer REALLLLLLLY good food.  The hotel I stayed at in Phoenix was awesome we stayed at  The Royal Palms Resort & Spa.  Unfortunately for me dieting they have a PHENOMENAL chef, and I didn't get fat by not enjoying food.

I tried to eat as healthy as I could, but there were some really tasty items on the menu, and their daily specials were very special and quite yummy.

We stayed at 2 different hotels this week, and each of them had a pool, so it was easy to get my exercise in.

I'm a little behind now though on my C25K program, I'll have to get back on track this week, the hotel we're staying at doesn't have a pool, so I'll have no choice but to work out in the gym.

On a side note, the desert around Phoenix & Tucson is so very pretty - I now feel motivated to get in good enough shape so I can go hiking through the desert this spring.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

5K Training

Ok, I know I just started working out this last week.  But, there are a couple of 5K runs that just look fun to me.

There's a Mud Run in 10/2013 in Dallas that looks fun, there's a 5K portion, 10K & the Challenge.  I'm looking at doing the 5K portion.

Then there's the Color me Rad 5K run also in 10/2013

Similar to the last one The Color Run 5K in 11/2013

And, my hubby has added the Warrior Dash

Now, the question - how am I going to accomplish being able to run ANY distance, much less 3.10686 miles?

Well 1) don't you just love smart phones 2) there's an app for that.  Couch potato to 5K in 9 weeks, which I'm going to start this evening.  I've already worked out this morning, but I can get on a treadmill for 30 more minutes today - no problem :)

Wish me luck - this fat girl is going to start training for a 5K run!!!!